In the gaming community, the term “noob” often gets thrown around to belittle or tease someone perceived as inexperienced. But turning this potentially negative situation into a humorous or savage response can turn the tables. Being prepared with pro-level comebacks not only shows confidence but also keeps the gaming spirit alive and fun. 

Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting, having a clever retort can make your gaming sessions more enjoyable.

Funny Responses to when someone calls you “Noob”

 1. “If being a noob means I’m having fun, then I’m the king of noobs!”

   – Emphasizes that having fun is more important than being skilled, turning the insult into a playful compliment.

 2. “I’d rather be a noob than a noob hater.”

   – Flips the script by suggesting that being negative is worse than being inexperienced.

 3. “Sorry, I don’t speak loser.”

   – A cheeky way to dismiss the insult and imply that the insulter is the real loser.

 4. “A noob today, your nightmare tomorrow.”

   – Hints at future improvement and a light-hearted warning to watch out.

 5. “I’m new, not stupid. There’s a difference.”

   – Clarifies that inexperience doesn’t equate to lack of intelligence.

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 6. “Well, you were a noob once. Remember?”

   – A gentle reminder that everyone starts as a beginner.

 7. “At least I’m improving. What’s your excuse?”

   – Highlights personal progress while questioning the insulter’s stagnation.

 8. “Thanks for noticing my newbie status. Now watch me level up.”

   – Turns the insult into a motivator for improvement.

 9. “Noob? More like a prodigy in disguise.”

   – Suggests that being new doesn’t mean lacking potential.

 10. “Everyone starts somewhere. Even if you weren’t born pro.”

    – Reminds me that even the best players began as beginners.

 11. “Keep underestimating me; it’s part of my plan.”

    – Plays on the idea of using others’ underestimation as an advantage.

 12. “Every pro was once a noob with ambition.”

    – Reinforces the idea that determination and ambition lead to success.

 13. “If I’m a noob, you must be the noob whisperer.”

    – Pokes fun at the insulter, implying they specialize in identifying beginners.

 14. “I’m just here to make you look good.”

    – A humorous way to take credit for the insulter’s perceived superiority.

 15. “New to the game, but not new to winning.”

    – Suggests that success in games is not new, even if the game itself is.

 16. “My noob phase is your losing phase.”

    – Indicates that even as a beginner, the insulter still loses to you.

 17. “Enjoying your victory against a noob? Says a lot about you.”

    – Implies that taking pride in defeating a beginner reflects poorly on the insulter.

 18. “Noob today, legend tomorrow.”

    – Optimistically looks forward to future greatness.

 19. “I might be a noob, but at least I have personality.”

    – Suggests that being interesting and fun is more important than skill level.

 20. “Your insults are just my XP boosters.”

    – Turns the negativity into motivation for growth.

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 21. “I may be a noob, but at least I don’t blame my team.”

    – Points out that being a good sport is more important than being experienced.

Savage Responses to When Someone Calls You “Noob”

savage gamer reply

 22. “My noob powers are beyond your comprehension.”

    – Suggests that even as a beginner, your abilities are impressive.

 23. “I’m here for fun, not for your approval.”

    – Makes it clear that the goal is enjoyment, not validation from others.

 24. “At least I’m playing the game, not just trash-talking.”

    – Highlights the difference between actively participating and merely criticizing.

 25. “Guess who’s going to be a noob with skills soon?”

    – Indicates that improvement is inevitable and the insulter should be prepared.

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 26. “Noob and proud. What’s your excuse for still losing to me?”

    – Points out that losing to a beginner is more embarrassing for the experienced player.

 27. “I’m just in my training arc. Beware of my final form.”

    – Uses a popular anime trope to humorously hint at future greatness.

 28. “I might be a noob, but at least I’m not toxic.”

    – Highlights the insulter’s negative behavior as worse than being inexperienced.

 29. “Is that all you’ve got? Try harder!”

    – Dismisses the insult as weak and challenges the insulter to come up with something better.

 30. “If I’m a noob, then you must be my tutorial.”

    – Suggests that the insulter is there to help you learn, making them seem less significant.

 31. “Enjoy it while you can; I level up fast.”

    – Warns that your skills will improve quickly, turning the tables soon.

 32. “You’re not just fighting a noob; you’re fighting a determined one.”

    – Emphasizes that determination can make a beginner formidable.

 33. “Every game needs a noob to show how far you’ve fallen.”

    – Insults the insulter by suggesting they’ve declined in skill.

 34. “I’m the noob that no one expects to win, but always does.”

    – Paints you as an underdog who surprises everyone with unexpected victories.

 35. “You can call me noob. I’ll call you practice.”

    – Turns the insult into a compliment, suggesting the insulter is merely practice for you.

 36. “Noob today, MVP tomorrow.”

    – Confidently predicts your future success and dominance in the game.

 37. “Your insults are just my power-ups.”

    – Uses the gaming terminology to turn insults into sources of strength.

 38. “If I’m a noob, then you must be my daily quest.”

    – Suggests that the insulter is just a routine challenge for you.

 39. “I’m new, but learning fast. You should be worried.”

    – Warns the insulter to be cautious as you’re quickly catching up in skill.

 40. “You call me noob? I call you target practice.”

    – Turns the tables by suggesting the insulter is just a means for you to improve.

 41. “Being a noob is temporary. Being salty is forever.”

    – Highlights the insulter’s negative attitude as a permanent flaw.

 42. “At least I have an excuse for losing. What’s yours?”

    – Points out that being a beginner is a valid reason for losing, while the insulter has no such excuse.

Final Thoughts

Hey there, fellow gamer! When someone calls you a noob, don’t let it get you down. Instead, try to laugh it off and show them that you’re confident in your gaming skills, even if you’re still learning. Coming up with funny and smart responses can make the game more fun for everyone. Just remember, every great gamer was a noob once, so keep playing and enjoying the game!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ):

Q1. What does “noob” mean?

A noob is someone who is new to a game or not very good at it yet.

Q2. Is being called a noob a bad thing?

Not really! Everyone starts as a noob when they try something new. It’s just a part of learning and getting better.

Q3. How can I respond when someone calls me a noob?

Try to come up with a funny or clever response that shows you’re not upset. This can make the game more enjoyable for everyone.

Q4. Will I always be a noob?

Of course not! The more you play and practice, the better you’ll get. Every gamer improves over time.

Q5. Should I stop playing if someone calls me a noob?

Definitely not! Keep playing and having fun. Don’t let someone else’s words ruin your gaming experience.

Surya Deo