Flirting can be a delightful way to connect and show interest in someone.

When you receive a text saying, ‘I was thinking about you,’ it’s a perfect opportunity to respond in a way that is both playful and engaging.

Below, we explore flirty responses to “I was thinking about you” to turn this sweet gesture into a fun and exciting conversation.

What Does It Mean When Someone Texts You “Thinking of You?”

When someone texts you saying they were thinking of you, it typically signifies that you are important to them. This small, yet meaningful message often indicates affection, care, and the fact that you are on their mind even when you’re not around.

It’s a heartwarming way to express that the bond you share transcends physical presence.

Flirty Responses to “I was thinking about you”

  1. “I was too! What’s on your mind?”
    Expressing mutual thoughts fosters a deeper connection and invites more intimate conversation.
  2. “I was wondering what you’re wearing right now…”
    This playful and suggestive question adds a hint of sensuality to your conversation.
  3. “I was thinking about how much I enjoyed our last date.”
    Recalling a shared experience shows you value the time spent together and are interested in more.
  4. “Well, I must be doing something right to be in your thoughts.”
    This response is flirty and a bit cheeky, implying that you’re happy to be on their mind.
  5. “I hope your thoughts of me are as sweet as I am.”
    This playful reply suggests confidence and a desire for the conversation to take a sweet turn.
  6. “I’ve got a degree in mind-reading. So, I know exactly what you were thinking!”
    A witty and humorous way to respond, adding a touch of mystery and intrigue.
  7. “Were you thinking of me as much as I think about pizza? Because that’s a lot!”
    A fun and lighthearted comparison that shows your humorous side.
  8. “If we get points for thinking about each other, we might just break the scoreboard!”
    This response implies a mutual affection and a playful competitive spirit.
  9. “And here I was, thinking you’d forgotten all about me. Glad to be proven wrong!”
    A teasing response that playfully nudges for reassurance of their interest.

Also Read: 15 Flirty and Fun Responses for When Someone Asks “Do You Miss Me?

Witty Responses To “I’m Thinking Of You”

  1. “Hope your thoughts of me are as fun as I am in person!”
    A lighthearted way to acknowledge the message while showing confidence in your fun nature.
  2. “Were you thinking of me by any chance, or is it just a telepathic connection?”
    This response is clever and playful, suggesting a deeper, almost mystical connection.
  3. “If thinking of me burns calories, you’re probably fit by now!”
    A humorous way to respond, implying that they think of you often.
  4. “Are you sure you weren’t just thinking of cake? Because I often get those two confused!”
    This response is humorous and light-hearted, playfully suggesting that thinking of you is as delightful as thinking of cake.
  5. “Well, if you’re giving away free thoughts, I’ll take a dozen ‘thinking of you’ please!”
    This witty reply turns the sentiment into a playful transaction, suggesting you can’t get enough of their thoughts.
  6. “Just be careful, too much thinking of me can be habit-forming!”
    A cheeky and confident response, humorously warning them of your ‘addictive’ nature.
  7. “I’m flattered! I’ll be sending you my thoughts in return – with interest.”
    This reply not only acknowledges their message but also playfully suggests a mutual exchange of thoughts.
  8. “That’s so strange – my crystal ball just told me someone special was thinking of me!”
    A mystical and playful way to respond, adding an element of fun and unpredictability.
  9. “I guess great minds really do think alike. I was just thinking of you too!”
    This classic saying turned flirty implies a deep and mutual connection.

Funny Replies To “I Was Just Thinking About You”

  1. “Did your thoughts of me come with a side of fries?”
    This whimsical reply adds a touch of humor and light-heartedness to the conversation.
  2. “Were you thinking of me or is my awesomeness just hard to forget?”
    Teasingly arrogant, this response is fun and flirty.
  3. “I hope you were thinking of my best qualities… like my ability to nap anywhere.”
    A humorous and self-deprecating way to keep the conversation light and enjoyable.
  4. “Did your thoughts of me come with a soundtrack? Hopefully something romantic!”
    This whimsical response adds a cinematic feel to your conversation, suggesting that thoughts of you are like scenes from a movie.
  5. “Alert the press! I’ve made it into someone’s thoughts today!”
    Over-the-top and humorous, this reply treats their thinking of you as headline-worthy news.
  6. “Be honest, were you thinking of me or my amazing joke skills?”
    Self-deprecating yet funny, this response playfully questions the reason behind their thoughts.
  7. “Hope you weren’t thinking of me while doing something boring. I prefer to be associated with fun times!”
    This reply is light and playful, subtly suggesting that thoughts of you should always be enjoyable.
  8. “If you were thinking of me and smiling, I hope you weren’t in a serious meeting!”
    A fun way to acknowledge their thoughts while imagining them in a humorous situation.
  9. “Next time you’re thinking of me, just send pizza my way. It’s a thought I can taste!”
    Combining humor with a love for pizza, this response is both funny and relatable.

Also Read: 32 Best Flirty Responses to ‘I Hate You’

Expert Q&A

Q1: How do you know if a text is flirty or just friendly?
A1: Flirty texts often contain playful or suggestive language, emoticons, and may include compliments. They tend to be more personal and can have a teasing tone. Context is key; consider your existing relationship with the person and past conversations.

Q2: What’s the best way to respond to a flirty text?
A2: Match the tone of the sender while staying true to your comfort level. If they’re playful, be playful back. If they’re more subtle, a light, flirtatious reply works well. The key is to respond in a way that keeps the conversation going.

Q3: How can you flirt through text without overdoing it?
A3: Balance is crucial. Be playful and suggestive but avoid being overly explicit or coming on too strong, unless you’re certain the recipient appreciates that approach. Subtlety can often be more effective.

Q4: Is it okay to use humor in flirty texts?
A4: Absolutely! Humor is a great way to flirt. It can lighten the mood, make the other person laugh, and show your personality. Just be mindful of the type of humor used; it should be in good taste and not offensive.

Q5: How do you maintain respect while flirting?
A5: Always be mindful of the other person’s feelings and boundaries. Flirting should be fun and comfortable for both parties. If you sense any discomfort, it’s important to step back and ensure the conversation remains respectful.


  • Start with a Compliment: Compliments can be great ice-breakers and show your interest. Keep them genuine and specific to the person.
  • Use Emojis Wisely: Emojis can add a fun element to your texts and help convey tone, but don’t overuse them.
  • Ask Open-Ended Questions: This encourages a longer conversation and shows you’re interested in knowing more about them.
  • Mirror Their Style: Pay attention to their texting style and try to match it. If they use a lot of emojis, do the same. If they’re more wordy, respond in kind.
  • Keep it Light: Avoid heavy topics in flirty texts. Stick to fun, light-hearted themes.
  • Know When to Stop: If you’re not getting a response or notice a change in their texting behavior, it might be time to pull back.
  • Be Yourself: Authenticity is attractive. Don’t try to be someone you’re not just to impress someone else.

Final Thoughts

Flirting through text can be a delightful and exciting way to connect with someone. It’s an opportunity to showcase your personality, sense of humor, and interest in the other person.

Remember, the essence of good flirting is mutual enjoyment and respect. Be playful, be genuine, and most importantly, be kind. Use these 20 flirty responses to “I was thinking about you” as a guide, but always tailor your approach to suit the individual situation and your unique relationship with the person. Happy flirting!

Surya Deo