When someone texts you “What’s good” or “WSG,” it can be challenging to come up with the perfect response. 

Whether it’s a flirty message from a crush or a casual check-in from a friend, having a variety of responses at your fingertips can help keep the conversation engaging and enjoyable. 

Check out these 31 great ways to answer when someone texts you “What’s good” or “WSG.” These responses will help you feel sure of yourself and be imaginative in your replies.

Flirty Responses to “What’s Good” from a Guy

1. “Not much, just thinking about how cute you are. What’s good with you, handsome?”

This response compliments the guy and shows that you’re interested in him. It also asks how he’s doing, keeping the conversation going.

2. “I’m doing better now that you’ve texted me. How about you?”

Letting him know that his message has improved your mood is a subtle way of showing that you enjoy talking to him. Asking about his day keeps the conversation flowing.

3. “Oh, you know, just daydreaming about our next date. What’s on your mind?”

Hinting at a future date shows your interest and can lead to making plans together. Asking what he’s thinking about encourages him to share his thoughts with you.

4. “I’m good, but I’d be even better if you were here with me. What are you up to?”

This response suggests that his presence would make your day even better, which is a flirty way of saying you enjoy his company. Inquiring about his activities shows your interest in his life.

5. “Just trying to stay cool in this heat, but you’re making it difficult. What’s new with you?”

This playful response implies that he’s so attractive that he’s making it hard for you to stay cool. Asking what’s new with him keeps the conversation going and shows your interest.

Also Read: 20 Ways to Respond to a “Yup” Text (That Aren’t Just “Okay”)

Casual Responses to “What’s Good” from a Girl

what's Good guys

6. “Hey girl! Just staying busy with work and life. How about you? Anything exciting happening?”

This friendly greeting shows that you’re interested in her life. Sharing a bit about your own life and asking if anything exciting is happening in hers encourages her to share more.

7. “Not much, just catching up on some Netflix. What’s good in your world?”

Mentioning your Netflix habit is a relatable way to start a conversation. Asking what’s going on in her world shows that you care about her life and want to know more.

8. “I’m hanging in there! How about you? How’s your week going so far?”

This response lets her know that you’re doing okay and shows interest in her well-being. Asking about her week encourages her to share more about her life.

9. “Oh, you know, just living the dream. What’s new with you?”

Using a common phrase to say you’re doing well keeps the conversation light and casual. Asking what’s new with her shows your interest in her life and encourages her to share more.

10. “Just trying to stay sane in this crazy world. How are you holding up?”

This response acknowledges the challenges of daily life and shows that you’re interested in how she’s coping. Asking how she’s holding up demonstrates your concern for her well-being.

Also Read: 15 Flirty and Fun Responses for When Someone Asks “Do You Miss Me?”

Funny Responses to “What’s Good”

11. “Oh, you know, just solving world hunger and curing cancer. The usual. What’s up with you?”

This humorous response exaggerates your accomplishments and shows your playful side. Casually asking what’s up with them keeps the conversation going.

12. “Not much, just trying to figure out the meaning of life. Any ideas?”

Jokingly pondering life’s big questions can lead to an interesting and entertaining conversation. Asking for their ideas invites them to join in on the fun.

13. “I’m good, but I’d be better if I had a million dollars. Know anyone who can help with that?”

This lighthearted response expresses a common wish for financial abundance. Asking if they know anyone who can help adds to the humor and keeps the conversation playful.

14. “Just living my best life, one meme at a time. What’s making you laugh today?”

Referencing the popularity of memes shows that you enjoy humor and staying current with online trends. Asking what’s making them laugh encourages them to share something funny with you.

15. “I’m doing well, but I think I might be turning into a zombie. How’s your apocalypse survival plan coming along?”

This playful response jokes about a popular fictional scenario and can lead to a fun and imaginative conversation. Asking about their survival plan invites them to join in on the creative storytelling.

Playful Responses to “WSG” from a Guy

16. “Well, I was just about to go on a wild adventure, but I suppose I could spare a moment for you. What’s up?”

Pretending to be in the middle of an exciting adventure shows your playful and imaginative side. Asking what’s up with him demonstrates your interest in his life.

17. “I’m on a top-secret mission, but I guess I can trust you with the details. What’s good with you?”

This response creates an air of mystery and playfulness, making the conversation more engaging. Asking what’s good with him shows your interest and keeps the conversation going.

18. “Not much, just saving the world one text at a time. How can I assist you today?”

Joking about being a hero through texting shows your witty and playful nature. Offering to assist him adds to the humor and demonstrates your willingness to chat.

Also Read: 25 funny Replies to “Will You Be My Girlfriend?” That’ll Leave Him Laughing

19. “I’m good, but I’d be better if you were here to join me on a quest. You in?”

This response invites him to join you on an imaginary adventure, which can lead to a fun and creative conversation. Asking if he’s in shows your desire for his company and keeps the conversation engaging.

20. “Just trying to stay one step ahead of the paparazzi. What’s your escape plan?”

Pretending to be famous and dealing with paparazzi shows your playful and imaginative side. Asking about his escape plan invites him to join in on the creative storytelling and keeps the conversation entertaining.

Creative Responses to “What’s Good”

21. “I’m working on my masterpiece, but I could use some inspiration. What’s inspiring you lately?”

Mentioning that you’re working on a creative project shows your artistic side and can lead to an interesting conversation. Asking what’s inspiring them encourages them to share their own creative interests.

22. “Not much, just trying to learn a new language. Know any good phrases in [language]?”

Sharing your interest in learning a new language can lead to a compelling conversation about language, culture, and travel. Asking if they know any phrases in the language you’re learning encourages them to share their knowledge and experiences.

23. “I’m good, but I’m always looking for new adventures. Got any recommendations?”

Expressing your desire for new experiences shows your adventurous spirit and can lead to an exciting conversation. Asking for their recommendations invites them to share their own adventures and interests.

24. “Just trying to stay in shape, both mentally and physically. What’s your favorite way to unwind?”

Mentioning your efforts to maintain mental and physical health shows that you value self-care. Asking about their favorite way to unwind encourages them to share their own self-care practices and can lead to a conversation about healthy living.

25. “I’m alright, but I’m dreaming of a beach vacation. If you could teleport anywhere right now, where would you go?”

Sharing your desire for a beach vacation shows your love for travel and relaxation. Asking where they would teleport to invites them to share their own travel dreams and can lead to an engaging conversation about dream destinations.

Thoughtful Responses to “What’s Good”

26. “I’m doing well, thanks for asking! I appreciate you checking in. How are you really doing?”

Thanking them for checking in shows your appreciation for their thoughtfulness. Asking how they’re really doing demonstrates your genuine interest in their well-being and can lead to a deeper conversation.

27. “Not much, just trying to stay positive and spread some good vibes. What’s something good that happened to you recently?”

Mentioning your efforts to stay positive and spread good vibes shows your optimistic outlook on life. Asking about something good that happened to them recently encourages them to focus on the positive and share their own happy experiences.

28. “I’m hanging in there, but I know life can be tough sometimes. If you ever need to talk, I’m here for you.”

Acknowledging that life can be challenging shows your empathy and understanding. Offering to be there for them if they need to talk demonstrates your support and concern for their well-being.

29. “Just taking things one day at a time and focusing on my goals. What’s a goal you’re working towards?”

Sharing your approach to life and your focus on your goals shows your determination and ambition. Asking about a goal they’re working towards encourages them to share their own aspirations and can lead to a motivating conversation.

30. “I’m good, but I’m always striving to be better. What’s something you’ve learned recently that’s helped you grow?”

Expressing your desire for personal growth shows your commitment to self-improvement. Asking about something they’ve learned recently that’s helped them grow encourages them to share their own insights and experiences, leading to an inspiring conversation.

31. “I’m doing great, thanks for asking! I’m always happy to hear from you. Don’t be a stranger, and feel free to reach out anytime!”

Expressing your gratitude for their message and your joy in hearing from them shows your appreciation for their friendship. Encouraging them to stay in touch and reach out anytime reinforces your desire to maintain a strong connection.

With these creative responses up your sleeve, you’ll never be caught off guard again. Now go out there and show ’em what you’ve got!

Frequently Thought Questions

Q1: Can I use these responses for in-person conversations too?

Absolutely! These responses can be used in both text conversations and face-to-face interactions. Just make sure to deliver them with the right tone and facial expression to convey the intended humor or sarcasm.

Q2: What if I don’t feel comfortable using slang or informal language?

If you prefer to use more formal language, you can still express yourself in a friendly manner. Instead of using slang, opt for responses like “I’m doing well, thank you for asking!” or “Things are going great. How about you?”

Surya Deo