Ah, bedtime. That cozy moment when you’re snuggled up, ready to drift off, and your phone buzzes with a Sweet dreams text. 

Whether it’s from your boyfriend or that cute guy you’ve been chatting with, responding to this simple goodnight wish can be an opportunity to add a little spark to your connection. I’ve got some playful ideas to help you turn a simple goodnight into something a bit more memorable.

Here are 25 flirty responses to sweet dreams that’ll leave them smiling as they doze off.  Ready to make bedtime a little more exciting? Let’s dive into these dreamy responses!

Sweet Dreams Reply to Boyfriend

When your boyfriend wishes you sweet dreams, it’s the perfect chance to remind him how much he means to you and maybe even tease him a little. Here are some flirty responses to keep the romance alive, even as you’re drifting off to sleep:

1. They’ll be sweeter if you’re in them

This response hints that your boyfriend is always on your mind, even in your dreams. It’s a playful way to let him know he’s the star of your subconscious.

2. I’d rather have you than dreams, but I guess this’ll do for now 

A little cheeky and definitely flirty, this response shows that while you appreciate his goodnight wish, you’d prefer his company.

3. Sweet dreams yourself, handsome. Don’t let the bed bugs bite… that’s my job 

This playful twist on a classic phrase adds a flirty bite (pun intended) to your goodnight exchange.

4. My dreams are always sweet when they’re about you 

A heartfelt response that’s sure to make him smile, this one reinforces your connection even as you’re apart.

5. Thanks, babe. But fair warning – I might sleep-text you if my dreams get too steamy 

This response adds a dash of humor and suggestion, hinting at the effect he has on you even in your sleep.

6. Sweet dreams? With you on my mind, they’re bound to be downright delicious 

Playing with words here, you’re turning sweet into something a bit more tantalizing.

7. I’ll try, but it’s hard when I’d rather be cuddling with you right now 

This response expresses your desire for physical closeness, even if you can’t be together at the moment.

8. Sweet dreams to you too. PS: You owe me a kiss for every sweet dream I have about you 

A playful way to ensure some affection in your future, this response sets up a fun debt for him to pay.

9. Thanks, love. But just so you know, you’re responsible for any side effects of these sweet dreams. 

This response leaves things open to interpretation, adding a hint of mystery and flirtation to your exchange.

10. Sweet dreams? I was hoping for something a little more… spicy 

A bold and flirty response that clearly communicates your desires and keeps things exciting.

Remember, the key to a good flirty response is to tailor it to your relationship and comfort level. What works for one couple might be too much or too little for another. The most important thing is that it feels natural and fun for both of you.

Response to Sweet Dreams from a Guy

good night from guys flirty

When a guy you’re interested in wishes you sweet dreams, it’s a golden opportunity to keep the flirty vibes going. Here are some responses that’ll leave him thinking about you as he drifts off to sleep:

1. Sweet dreams? I’ll do my best, but no promises if you keep popping into my thoughts 

This response lets him know he’s on your mind without being too forward. It’s playful and leaves room for his imagination.

2. Thanks! Though I have a feeling my dreams might be a little more interesting than just sweet 

A slightly suggestive response that invites him to wonder what exactly you might be dreaming about.

3. Sweet dreams to you too! Don’t forget to save me a spot in yours 

This cute response implies you want to be part of his dreams, adding a touch of flirtation to the exchange.

4. I’ll have sweet dreams if you promise to be in them 

A flirty way to let him know you’re thinking of him, even as you’re about to sleep.

5. Sweet dreams? With you wishing me goodnight, how could they be anything but? 

This response compliments him subtly, suggesting that his message has a positive effect on you.

6. Thanks! Though I might need some dream interpretation help in the morning… you free? 

A playful way to set up future communication and keep the flirty banter going.

7. Sweet dreams indeed… especially if they involve a certain someone I’ve been texting 

This response lets him know he’s making an impression without being too direct.

8. I’ll do my best, but no guarantees. Your goodnight message might have me too excited to sleep! 

A flirty way to let him know his message has an effect on you, potentially leading to more conversation.

9. Sweet dreams to you too! But just so you know, I’m holding you responsible for any dream-induced smiles tomorrow. 

This response sets up a cute callback for the next day, giving you an excuse to reach out again.

10. Thanks! Though I’m not sure how sweet my dreams will be with you on my mind… 

A bolder response that clearly communicates your interest and keeps things exciting.

Remember, the best flirty response to sweet dreams are those that match the tone and pace of your current relationship. If you’re just getting to know each other, you might want to keep things light and playful. As you become more comfortable, you can dial up the flirtation as it feels natural.

General Flirty Goodnight Responses

Sometimes, you might want a flirty goodnight response that works in various situations, whether it’s for a crush, a potential date, or even just to add some fun to a friendly exchange. Here are some versatile flirty goodnight responses:

1. Sweet dreams? I’ll do my best, but I make no promises about behaving in them 

This response adds a dash of mischief to your goodnight exchange, leaving plenty to the imagination.

2. Thanks for the sweet dreams order. Would you like to supersize that with a goodnight kiss? 

A playful response that uses a fast-food analogy to ask for a little extra affection.

3. Sweet dreams to you too! Though I have to warn you, I’m not responsible for any guest appearances I make in them 

This response suggests you might show up in their dreams, adding a flirty twist to the exchange.

4. I’ll have sweet dreams if you promise to star in them 

A forward but cute way to let them know you’re thinking of them as you go to sleep.

5. Thanks! Though I’m not sure how I’m supposed to sleep now that you’ve got me thinking about you…

This response communicates that their message has had an effect on you, potentially leading to more conversation.

Concluding Thoughts

Sweet dreams are made of witty replies – now you’re equipped to make bedtime banter a little more exciting. Remember, the best flirty response to sweet dreams are those that feel natural to you and match the tone of your relationship. So go ahead, send that playful goodnight text, and who knows? You might just dream up some new flirty responses of your own!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1: Is it okay to send flirty goodnight texts every night?

It depends on your relationship and the other person’s comfort level. Mix it up to keep things fresh and exciting.

Q2: What if I’m not good at coming up with flirty responses on the spot?

It’s okay to have a few go-to responses ready. The most important thing is that it feels genuine to you.

Q3: How do I know if my flirty response is too much?

Pay attention to how the other person responds. If they seem uncomfortable or don’t reciprocate, dial it back.

Q4: Can I use these responses for friends too?

Some of the more playful ones can work for friends, but be careful not to send mixed signals if you’re not interested romantically.

Q5: What if I get a flirty goodnight text and I’m not interested?

It’s okay to respond with a friendly but neutral goodnight message. You’re not obligated to flirt back if you’re not interested.

Surya Deo