Have you ever been caught off guard by a compliment on your appearance? That moment when someone says “You look good!” can leave us fumbling for words. 

Whether it’s a casual remark from a friend or a heartfelt compliment from a crush, knowing how to respond can boost your confidence and keep the conversation flowing smoothly.

I’ve compiled over 60 clever and charming ways to reply when someone tells you that you look good. These responses range from humble and gracious to flirty and funny, giving you plenty of options for any situation. Let’s look at some creative ways to respond when someone says you look good that’ll have you ready for your next compliment!

What to Say When Someone Says You Look Good

When someone pays you a compliment, responding with grace and humility can leave a lasting positive impression. These responses show appreciation while maintaining modesty.

1. “Thank you, that’s so kind of you to say!”

This classic response shows appreciation for the compliment while remaining modest.

2. “You’re too sweet. I appreciate the compliment!”

A warm acknowledgment that expresses gratitude without seeming overly prideful.

3. “That means a lot coming from you.”

This response adds a personal touch, making the compliment-giver feel special too.

4. “You’ve made my day with that comment.”

Letting them know their words had a positive impact on you.

5. “I’m flattered, thank you so much.”

A simple yet sincere way to accept the praise graciously.

6. “That’s very nice of you to notice.”

Acknowledging their attentiveness without dwelling on your appearance.

7. “I’m glad you think so. I was feeling a bit unsure today.”

This honest response can deepen the connection by sharing a bit of vulnerability.

8. “Your kindness always brightens my day.”

Shifting the focus to their positive qualities.

9. “I’m blushing! Thank you for the confidence boost.”

A playful way to show you’re touched by their words.

10. “I really needed to hear that today. Thank you.”

Expressing how their compliment has genuinely helped you.

Playful and Humorous Replies

Sometimes, a touch of humor is the perfect way to acknowledge a compliment. These witty comebacks can lighten the mood and show off your playful side.

11. “Oh stop, you’ll make me blush… Okay, don’t stop!”

A cheeky response that shows you’re enjoying the attention.

12. “I woke up like this. Just kidding, it took hours!”

Poking fun at the effort it sometimes takes to look good.

13. “Must be all that beauty sleep I’ve been getting!”

A whimsical way to accept the compliment with a touch of humor.

14. “Are you sure you’re not looking in a mirror?”

Turning the compliment back on them in a playful manner.

15. “I know, right? It’s exhausting being this fabulous.”

A confident and humorous way to agree with their assessment.

16. “Shh, don’t tell everyone. I’m trying to keep a low profile.”

Pretending your good looks are a secret adds a fun element to the conversation.

17. “It’s all smoke and mirrors, I assure you.”

Jokingly implying that your appearance is an illusion.

18. “I’m just trying to keep up with you!”

Complimenting them back while keeping things light.

19. “Oh, this old thing? I just threw it on.”

A classic line that downplays your effort in a charming way.

20. “I’m practicing for my superhero alter ego.”

A quirky response that can lead to more playful banter.

Flirtatious and Charming Responses

flirty expression of a girl

If you’re looking to add a spark of romance or show interest, these flirty responses can help set the tone. Use them wisely to subtly express your attraction.

21. “I was hoping you’d notice.”

This suggests you put in extra effort for their benefit.

22. “It must be the effect you have on me.”

Implying their presence brings out the best in you.

23. “I always look my best when I’m around you.”

A smooth way to return the compliment and express your interest.

24. “You’re making me blush. Care to make me blush some more?”

A flirtatious invitation to continue the conversation.

25. “I’m just trying to match your level of attractiveness.”

Complimenting them back while showing your own confidence.

26. “If you think I look good now, wait until our date on Friday.”

A bold way to ask them out if you’re feeling particularly daring.

27. “Your compliment just made me look even better.”

Suggesting their words have a magical effect on your appearance.

28. “I was feeling good, but now I’m feeling great.”

Showing how their words have boosted your mood and confidence.

29. “You’ve got quite an eye for beauty. I like that in a person.”

Praising their taste while hinting at your interest.

30. “I’m glad you approve. Your opinion means a lot to me.”

Indicating that their thoughts on your appearance are particularly important.

Confident and Self-Assured Responses

Embracing compliments with confidence can be empowering. These responses show you’re comfortable in your own skin and appreciate the recognition.

31. “I know, right? I’m having a great hair day!”

Agreeing with them while focusing on a specific aspect of your appearance.

32. “Thanks! I feel as good as I look.”

Showing that your confidence comes from within.

33. “It’s all part of my master plan for world domination.”

A tongue-in-cheek way to own your fabulousness.

34. “I’m glad someone finally noticed!”

Playfully suggesting that you’ve been waiting for recognition.

35. “Thank you, I put a lot of effort into looking this effortless.”

Acknowledging the work that goes into looking good with a touch of humor.

36. “I’m just reflecting the beauty around me.”

A poetic way to accept the compliment while spreading positivity.

37. “Well, excellence is kind of my thing.”

A bold statement that shows you’re comfortable with praise.

38. “Thanks, I designed this look especially for today.”

Implying that your appearance is a carefully crafted choice.

39. “I’m just living my best life, and it shows.”

Linking your appearance to your overall happiness and well-being.

40. “Beauty is my burden to bear.”

A playfully dramatic way to accept the compliment.

Steering the Conversation in a New Direction

If you prefer not to dwell on compliments, these responses help you gracefully acknowledge the praise before changing the subject.

41. “Thanks! How has your day been going?”

Accepting the compliment briefly before shifting the focus to them.

42. “I appreciate that. What do you think of this outfit for the event tonight?”

Using the compliment as a springboard to discuss something specific.

43. “That’s kind of you. By the way, did you catch the game last night?”

Quickly acknowledging the praise before changing the subject entirely.

44. “Oh, thank you! Speaking of looking good, have you tried that new cafe downtown?”

Smoothly transitioning to a different topic while still referencing their compliment.

45. “You’re sweet to say so. Hey, I’ve been meaning to ask you about that book you mentioned.”

Using the moment to bring up something you’ve been wanting to discuss.

46. “Thanks! That reminds me, how did your presentation go yesterday?”

Connecting the compliment to a previous conversation topic.

47. “I’m glad you think so. Actually, I wanted to get your opinion on something…”

Using their positive comment as an opening to seek their advice or input.

48. “That’s nice of you to say. Oh, before I forget, are you free for coffee next week?”

Accepting the compliment and using it as an opportunity to make plans.

49. “I appreciate that. Say, have you heard about the upcoming festival in town?”

Shifting the conversation to a shared interest or local event.

50. “Thanks! You know, your comment reminds me of a funny story…”

Using the compliment as a segue into an entertaining anecdote.

Cultural and Situational Responses

Different settings call for different responses. These culturally-specific or situational replies can add flair to your conversation in various contexts.

51. “Merci beaucoup!” (French)

Using a foreign language can add a touch of sophistication.

52. “Aw, shucks!” (Southern U.S.)

A folksy, humble response that’s perfect for casual situations.

53. “I’m honored by your words.” (Formal settings)

A more formal response suitable for professional or ceremonial occasions.

54. “Bless your heart!” (Southern U.S.)

Another regional expression that can be used sincerely or ironically.

55. “You’re too kind, mate.” (Australian/British)

A friendly, informal response with an international flair.

56. “I’m over the moon to hear that.” (British)

An enthusiastic response that shows you’re truly pleased.

57. “That’s mighty nice of you to say.” (Rural/Western U.S.)

A down-to-earth response with a touch of cowboy charm.

58. “I’m chuffed to bits!” (British)

An excited, colloquial way to express your delight at the compliment.

59. “You’ve got a good eye, eh?” (Canadian)

A friendly, slightly self-deprecating response with a northern twist.

60. “Cheers for that!” (British/Australian)

A casual, upbeat way to thank someone for their kind words.

61. “You’re a gem for saying so.” (Irish)

A warm, affectionate response that returns some of the kindness.

Wrapping It Up

Responding to compliments is a skill that can enhance our social interactions and boost our self-esteem. Whether you choose to be gracious, humorous, flirty, or confident in your reply, the key is to be genuine and true to yourself. 

Remember, a sincere “thank you” is always appropriate, but having a variety of responses in your repertoire can make these moments more enjoyable and memorable for both you and the compliment-giver.

Practice these ways to respond when someone says you look good and adapt them to fit your personality and the situation. So the next time someone tells you that you look good, you’ll be ready with the perfect reply!

Surya Deo