We’ve all been there – those seemingly endless days that leave you feeling drained, frazzled, and in desperate need of some comic relief. 

According to a recent survey, about half of adults in the U.S. (46%) and globally (52%) say they have felt sad or hopeless almost every day for a couple of weeks or more at least once in the past year. Another study found that using humor is one of the top 3 most effective coping strategies for dealing with daily stress. 

To help you get through those tough days with a smile, we’ve compiled over 45 responses to it has been a long day. 

When You’re Too Tired for This

1. “You’re telling me. I’m so tired, I could sleep for a week…wake me up when it’s over.”

2. “A long day? More like a long century. I think I aged 10 years in the last 8 hours.”

3. “I’m running on fumes at this point. If I was a car, my gas light would’ve been on for the last 100 miles.” 

4. “I feel like I’ve been awake since the Jurassic period. Time to go hibernate with the dinosaurs.”

5. “You know it’s been a doozy of a day when even your coffee needs a coffee.”

Related Read: Tired of “You Look Tired”? Try These 25 Hilarious Replies!

When You’ve Had It Up to Here

6. “If this day was a person, I’d file a restraining order.” 

7. “I’ve reached my limit for the day. Any more nonsense and I might just lose it.”

8. “I’m about one minor inconvenience away from moving to a remote cabin in the woods.”

9. “Today has pushed all my buttons…and then some buttons I didn’t even know I had.”

10. “If I roll my eyes one more time, I’m afraid they might get stuck that way permanently.”

When You Need a Stiff Drink

11. “Is it too early for a cocktail? Because after today, I could use a double.”

12. “I think I’ve earned a trip to the bar after the day I’ve had. First round’s on me!”

13. “Forget coffee, I need something a bit stronger to recover from today’s madness.”

14. “If there was ever a day that called for a glass of wine (or three), this was it.”

15. “I survived today…and that alone is reason enough to celebrate with a cold one.”

When You’re Ready to Throw in the Towel

16. “That’s it, I’m out. Wake me up when it’s the weekend.”

17. “I give up. The day has officially defeated me. Time to wave the white flag.”

18. “Stick a fork in me, I’m done. Finito. Kaput. Over and out.”

19. “I’m this close to quitting everything and running away to join the circus.”

20. “Is there an eject button for this day? Because I’m ready to smash it.”

When You Need a Vacation ASAP

feeling of vacation

21. “I think I’ve earned a trip to a tropical island after today. Who’s with me?”

22. “Is it too late to use a sick day and just stay in bed until further notice?”

23. “I’m ready for a vacation…preferably one that lasts for the next month or so.”

24. “Does anyone know how to fast-forward to the part where I’m sipping a margarita on the beach?”

25. “I’m starting a petition for a mandatory post-long-day day off. All in favor?”

Related Read: 21 Hilarious Ways to Say Someone a Fantastic Weekend

When You’re Overwhelmed AF

26. “My brain has officially reached maximum capacity for the day. Please try again tomorrow.”

27. “I’m drowning in a sea of emails, meetings, and deadlines. Send a lifeline!”

28. “Is there a pause button for life? I could really use a breather right about now.”

29. “I’m juggling so many things, I feel like I should join the circus. Oh wait, I already said that.”

30. “I need a clone to handle all this craziness…or at least a very large coffee.”

When You’re Over It

31. “I’m so over this day, I could write a breakup song about it.”

32. “Dear Monday (or whatever day it is), I’m just not that into you. It’s not me, it’s definitely you.”

33. “I’d like to cancel my subscription to today, please. Zero stars, would not recommend.”

34. “Is it possible to swipe left on a day? Because I’m ready to move on to greener pastures.”

35. “Today has been the longest, most disappointing date ever. Check please!”

When You Need a Hug (or Ten)

36. “I could really use a hug…or a full-body massage. Either one would suffice.”

37. “Is there a line I can join for free hugs and words of encouragement? Asking for a friend.”

38. “I think I’ve reached my quota for human interaction today. Time for some quality alone time.”

39. “If anyone needs me, I’ll be in my blanket fort, watching cat videos and stress-eating cookies.”

40. “Today was a reminder that sometimes you just need to call your mom and vent.”

When You’re Feeling Philosophical

41. “They say what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger…but I think I’ve had enough character-building for one day.”

42. “Today was a lesson in patience, perseverance, and not losing your cool over spilled coffee.”

43. “I guess you could say I’ve gained a new appreciation for the simple things in life…like making it through the day without screaming into a pillow.”

44. “Today was proof that laughter really is the best medicine…especially when mixed with copious amounts of chocolate.”

45. “In the grand scheme of things, today was just a blip on the radar. Tomorrow is a new day, with new opportunities to conquer the world (or at least make it to happy hour).”

Wrapping up!

In conclusion, while it may not always feel like it in the moment, remember that even the longest, most stressful days eventually come to an end. By arming yourself with a sense of humor and a few clever responses, you can make it through even the toughest times with a smile on your face. 

So the next time someone says “It has been a long day,” hit them with one of these witty retorts and watch the laughter (and stress) melt away. And if all else fails, just remember: there’s always wine.

Surya Deo