Ever had that sinking feeling when you realize a friend’s loyalty is an act? They vanish when you need them, leaving you questioning if the digs and gossip are all in your head. Enough is enough. Reclaim your power! A well-placed roast can give you satisfying release and expose their true colors.

These aren’t weapons for revenge, but tools for your own well-being. Use them to vent, laugh, or maybe even walk away for good. Ready to sharpen your wit?

Here are 36 roasts to expose those fake friends. Remember, you deserve real connections that lift you up!

1. “I’d give you a nasty look but you’ve already got one.”

Implies that the friend’s attitude or personality is already unpleasant, making any further disdain unnecessary.

2. “You’re not fake; you’re just a really good actor.”

Sarcasm highlighting their ability to pretend to be friends.

3. “I believed in Santa Claus, the Tooth Fairy, and true love, then I met you.”

Expresses how the person has shattered your belief in genuine relationships.

4. “I thought I had the flu, but then I realized your presence was just nauseating.”

A humorous way of saying that their presence is physically unsettling.

5. “You should put a warning label on yourself: ‘Causes disappointment.’”

Implies that dealing with them often leads to letdowns.

Also Read: 25+ Clever Roasts to Show Your Friends Who’s Boss

6. “Our friendship is like a good book, which I never intend to read again.”

Indicates that the friendship, once valued, is no longer worth revisiting.

7. “I’d agree with you but then we’d both be wrong.”

Highlights the lack of trust in their judgment or opinions.

8. “You’re like a penny on the sidewalk – not worth much and usually in someone else’s pocket.”

Suggests they are of little value and easily swayed by others.

9. “You’re about as useful as a knitted condom.”

A humorous and slightly crude way to say they’re utterly ineffective.

10. “You’re the reason we have warning labels on everything.”

Suggests their behavior is why precautions are necessary, as they are a walking example of what not to do.

11. “If I wanted to hear from an idiot, I’d watch the news.”

Implies that their opinions or words are as uninformed as those of a foolish person on TV.

12. “You’re like Monday mornings, nobody likes you.”

Compares them to something universally disliked.

13. “Our friendship is like a hot cup of coffee; it was good until it went cold.”

Suggests the friendship was once enjoyable but has since lost its warmth.

Also Read: 8 Friendly Comebacks When Someone Calls You “Dawg” Or “Dog”

14. “Keep rolling your eyes. Maybe you’ll find a brain back there.”

A witty response to someone who frequently rolls their eyes, suggesting a lack of intelligence.

15. “You’re not stupid; you just have bad luck when you think.”

A sarcastic way to call someone unintelligent without directly saying so.

16. “Why don’t you slip into something more comfortable, like a coma?”

A dark, humorous suggestion that their absence would be preferable.

17. “I’d explain it to you, but I left my English-to-Dumbass Dictionary at home.”

Implies that communicating with them is so challenging it requires a special dictionary.

18. “I treasure the time I don’t spend with you.”

Express how much you value the moments away from them.

19. “You’re like a software update. Whenever I see you, I immediately think ‘not now’.”

Compares their presence to an inconvenient and unwelcome interruption.

20. “I’d give you a nasty look but I see you’ve already done your makeup.”

A snide comment on their appearance, suggesting they look unpleasant.

chameleon fake friend depiction

21. “You’re like a cloud. When you disappear, it’s a beautiful day.”

Implies that their absence improves the overall atmosphere.

22. “You’re the human version of a participation award.”

Suggests they have little real value or achievement and are merely present.

23. “You’re the reason the gene pool needs a lifeguard.”

A humorous way to suggest they lower the overall intelligence or quality of humanity.

24. “I’d love to insult you, but I’m afraid I won’t do as well as nature did.”

Implies that their very existence is an insult to themselves.

25. “You’re like a slinky – not really good for much but bring a smile to my face when pushed down the stairs.”

A dark humor way to express how little they are valued.

26. “You are proof that evolution CAN go in reverse.”

Suggests they are so lacking in quality or intelligence they defy natural progress.

27. “I’d agree with you, but then we’d both be wrong.”

Highlights the foolishness of their opinion or statement.

28. “I’d explain it to you, but I’m not a miracle worker.”

Suggests that making them understand something is beyond anyone’s capabilities.

29. “You’re as bright as a black hole, and twice as dense.”

A clever way to call someone stupid, using an astronomical phenomenon as a metaphor.

30. “You’re not the dumbest person on the planet, but you sure better hope they don’t die.”

Implies they are second only to the dumbest person alive.

31. “If ignorance is bliss, you must be the happiest person on earth.”

A witty way to call someone ignorant.

32. “I’d give you a dirty look but you’ve already got one.”

Similar to the first, it’s a jab at their appearance or demeanor.

33. “You’re like a software glitch. Annoying and hard to get rid of.”

Compares them to a persistent and irritating computer problem.

34. “Our friendship is like a book. Too bad it’s more of a fiction.”

Indicates that the friendship was never genuine, just a story.

35. “I’d say you’re ‘two-faced’, but if you had two, wouldn’t you wear the better one?”

A classic insult suggesting they are deceitful and unpleasant-looking.

36. “You have the perfect face for radio.”

Implies they are not visually appealing, suited only for a medium where they are not seen.

Here are a few tips to consider before confronting a fake friend:

  1. Make a logical decision rather than a purely emotional one. Don’t react out of anger, but consider what supports your well-being and aligns with your values.
  2. Reflect on how the fake friendship happened in the first place. Common reasons include:
    • Overestimating your level of closeness and investing too much in a one-sided friendship
    • The person had an ulterior motive from the beginning and was never a true friend
    • A slow decline of a long-term friendship as you grew apart
  3. Be mindful of “love bombing” in friendships, where someone showers you with gifts and attention early on, but with strings attached. Learn to say no to gifts that come with obligations.
  4. Consider the “three C’s” for dealing with fake friends:
    • Confront them calmly and directly about their behavior
    • Cool things down and establish clear boundaries and expectations
    • Cut ties completely if needed
  5. Avoid making decisions purely based on emotions like anger, even though it’s understandable to feel that way when someone is being fake.

The key is to step back, reflect on the situation and your values, and respond in a way that prioritizes your well-being, rather than reacting impulsively out of hurt or anger.

Surya Deo